It is not at all uncommon for people to mistake the symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn for those of a heart attack, and vice versa.
Knowing how to tell the difference between these two very different things could save your life, or the life of someone else!
The fact is that the symptoms and sensations of heartburn can closely mimic those of a heart attack. By the same token, many people experience a heart attack and believe they are only experiencing a particularly bad bout of indigestion and acid reflux or heartburn.
In some instances, there is virtually no way for you to know which is which and if that happens?you need to seek medical care immediately to have the tests performed that will differentiate and provide a clear diagnosis.
What are the Symptoms of Heartburn?
Here are some of the most common symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux:
A burning sensation that moves upward through your throat
A very sharp burning sensation just below your ribs or breastbone
Pain that worsens when you bend over, exercise, lie down or lift heavy objects
A sour, bitter, bad taste in your mouth or back of your throat
Pain that usually manifests itself after eating, especially if you lie down soon after eating
Pain that normally does not include your shoulders, neck or arms
Pain and discomfort that responds quickly to antacids and medications
Now let?s examine the symptoms of a heart attack: You may experience shortness of breath
You may have a feeling of unusual pressure or fullness, tightness, pain or squeezing in the center of the chest that either lightens and then reoccurs, or lasts longer than a few minutes
You may feel pain that radiates to one or both of your arms, your neck, back, stomach, arms and/or jaw.
You might break out in a cold, clammy sweat
You might become nauseated
You might feel lightheaded as though you are going to faint
You may actually faint
You may feel heart palpitations, which are rapid, fluttery heartbeats
To muddy the waters even more, many people who are prone to have either acid reflux and heartburn or a heart attack are over the age of 40.
If you experience any of the symptoms above and are not sure what is going on?find out! Get medical testing right away to be sure you aren?t having a heart attack.
Chances are you?re experiencing a bad episode of acid reflux, and knowing how to deal with this painful condition will greatly enhance the quality of your life!
Many people who suffer from heartburn, acid reflux or GERD have found relief or even a permanent cure with Ganoderma, the magical medicinal mushroom.
Since excess acid from the stomach is the culprit in acid reflux, Ganoderma can help because it is widely accepted as being the most highly alkaline food in existence.
Try Ganoderma today to alleviate or even stop your acid reflux and heartburn symptoms!
Having suffered from chronic?heartburn?for many years, Andrew Plimmer discovered Ganoderma to be a fantastic natural remedy for acid reflux or heartburn as it is commonly called. Learn more ==>>?
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